Welcome to BCFC
We are a born again, Spirit filled, non-denominational body of believers. Our common bond of fellowship with all believers is salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. We pray that God's love, that knows no bounds, reaches out to perform a new work in you today.
BCFC is committed to being a servant ministry. It is our purpose to serve the individual, the family, the body of Christ, the community and the nation. More than a general desire to "obey all the commandments", it is the basis for selecting and guiding the ministries of this congregation.
Our service is a commitment to "let the mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God but made Himself of no reputation, and took upon Him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men."
Phil. 2:5-7
All Services at BCFC are Miracle Services!
Great Place to Worship!
Strong community of faith and
great love atomsphere
among brethren.
Very friendly congregation, too.
But the best of it all
is the fact that we can feel
the presence of God so strong,
and that is awesome!
Hernani - BCFC Member
Truly God's House
Beautiful church.
Beautiful people.
Truly God's house.
Mike K. - Online Reviewer
I love coming here.
S J - Online Reviewer
Spirit Led
Spirit led and
amazing presence of God
each time I worship
in this place
Teresina - BCFC Member
This Church is the Best!
When you walk into the sanctuary,
the healing begins.
The love you feel
when you enter is real.
The presense of
the Holy Spirit is so powerful!
Bobbie - BCFC Member
Atmosphere of Love
Always an atmosphere
of love and worship!!!!
I just know that
Jesus dwells there!!!!!!
Lauretta - Online Reviewer
Unafraid and Full of Faith
Yesterday, I woke up at 3 AM, got ready and drove 5 hours north to Maryland, alone, for a "conference" I had registered for a few days prior. I didn't know anyone there, and I'd never been to this particular place before, but I knew I was supposed to be there.
This "conference" was acutally a tent revival. It was my first one and it was fully refreshing to my faith and my soul.
I got to sit amongst other Bible-believing, God-fearing, praise-giving, unapologetic followers of Christ.
Truthfully, I had generally been disappointed with the lack of fire and the lack of focus in some churches today.
Yesterday, for the first time, I got to experience what Scripture tells us the church ought to look like.
Unafraid and full of faith.
On my 5-hour drive back home, I was famished, I was exhausted, and I was a little delirious from not having had food
or water or enough sleep to be honest with you, but I was wonderfully awakened.
I was awakened to what the Lord had already been excavating in me for some time now.
How can I ever go back to tepid waters?
I don't know any of the details of what is to come, but I am excited and thankful to be a part of it.
We are all invited to God's table, but it's up to you to show up.
Neri - 2022 10-Day Tent Revival Attendee, Shared on Social Media
God is Doing
Something Wonderful
"Something very special is happening at BCFC. I know know, but I believe a year from now, what it is today, will be very much different.
God is doing something wonderful."
RJG - Online Reviewer
Wonderful Worship
and Teaching!
worship and teaching!
Led by the Holy Spirit.
Nancy C. - BCFC Member
Breath of Fresh Air
A multiracial church of believers that love God. It is definitely a breath of fresh air.
Sister Valerie
- BCFC Member